

For more detailed information, please click on the appropriate tab just above here ↑ odon't hesitate to ask (call me or email me, I'll answer as soon as I can) 

10:00 am - 1 pm  Mixed Media Adults
3:30 pm -   5 pm  Kids after School  

 4 pm - 5:30 pm  Kids after School

10 am - 12  noon Mixed Media Adults 

 4 pm - 5:30 pm  Kids after School
 7 pm -    9   pm  Mixed Media Adults


10 am -   12 noon  Mixed Media Adults

  4 pm -  5:30 pm  Kids after School

Casual classes (adult classes only) can be taken only when spaces are available, 
* each week these need to be requested by the student and space confirmed by the studio

Casual class fee = $ 29 per class


Individual One Day Workshops see calendar HERE

The Studio also caters for Private groups, team building or (birthday)parties - contact me

(Private tuition is available by arrangement)
   $ 60.- per hour

Little Notes ♪ 

♪ I may have people in the adults groups work either on their journals or on panels along side each other this to accommodate everybody's limited available timeframes and what they enjoy to make

♫ Materials are included in the tuition fees. These include different paper or canvas sheet substrates, but exclude varnishes and canvas or wood panels. Substrates are available for purchase at the studio or can be brought by the students themselves

♫♪ When you register for a term class, please understand that if you cannot attend for any reason at all I will try my best to offer alternative class times to catch up within the schoolterm, but no refund will be made and classes are not transferable to the next term. In the case that I cannot teach any of your booked classes I will always credit or replace.